Our Event Rental Specialist at Elite Events and Rentals, look forward to helping you!

Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Call & confirm hours due to Covid-19 hours may adjust without being updated

Phone: 727-791-7082
Email: sales@eliteeventsandrentals.com

After Hours, Weekends and Holidays

Phone: 727-791-7082

Visit our new showroom!



Additional options for staging includes skirting and steps.

  • $60.00 per stage panel
  • $25 per stage step
  • $1.50/foot for stage skirting (many colors available to match your event theme)
  • 2′ stage heights available upon request.

Visit the Tips & Tools page to determine the size stage you need for your event.

Stage Sizing

4×8 $60
8×8 $120
8×12 $180
8×16 $240
12×16 $360
12×24 $540
16×16 $480
16×24 $720
20×24 $900
24×24 $1080
Ramp $250